動物實驗結果顯示先天的聽覺剝奪會造成中樞神經反應的數量減少、神經發射率降低等現象,越來有越多的證據顯示周圍聽覺訊號的剝奪對人類皮質的發展有嚴重影響,不但從中樞聽覺系統的成熟度可以顯現,也可以從補償的跨感官可塑性(compensatory cross-modal plasticity)得知。嬰幼兒的聽力損失會剝奪或減少輸入的聽覺訊號,以致原本在里程碑上會發展的聽覺結構與功能有所缺失,藉著聽覺輔具與聽覺復健會得到一些改善。本次研習將說明嬰幼兒的正常聽覺發展、聽力損失帶給中樞何種變化、以及適當的聽覺輔具與聽覺復健可能會帶給中樞的改變。
This presentation will cover the relationship of brain and hearing via evidences supported by literature review in Pediatric and Geriatric audiology:
1. Fetus brain and hearing development (40 min)
2. The effects hearing loss on brain functions in early life (40 min)
3. The effects of intervention that lead to speech and hearing development (40 min)
4. Hearing loss accelerates brain function decline in adults (30 min)
5. New areas of over-the counter hearing aid sale: myths and facts (30 min)
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(二) 聽語界人士
(三) 耳鼻喉科醫生
(四) 對這主題有興趣的所有人士